Organic CBD - what are we talking about exactly?
To classify as organic CBD, products must meet the following requirements:
- organic farming: i.e. farming without synthetic insecticides, herbicides or fungicides
- organic manufacturing: i.e. manufacturing products using only organic ingredients, in a facility that abides by USDA Organic standards.
Additionally, they must of course contain organic CBD. That means that they must contain organic hemp extract, which itself contains CBD.
USDA Organic - the standard for organic CBD.
In the USA, the well known USDA Organic logo guarantees consumers that the product they are buying is indeed organic and compliant. A company can only display this logo if they have been audited by a third party USDA accredited certifying body.
Organic certification requires that farmers and handlers document their processes and get inspected every year. Organic on-site inspections account for every component of the operation, including, but not limited to, seed sources, soil conditions, crop health, weed and pest management, water systems, inputs, contamination and commingling risks and prevention, and record-keeping. Tracing organic products from start to finish is part of the USDA organic promise.
Given that the Hemp/CBD industry as we know it is so novel, very few companies on the market have achieved the standards required to obtain USDA organic certification. At NuuMe Organics, we have.
Beyond Organic CBD, going the extra mile
Providing reliability and readability when it comes to organic certification is a wonderful thing. However, at NuuMe Organics, we don't view organic as a marketing ploy or a gimmick. We are true believers and actual practitioners. We go beyond organic.
=> We practice regenerative farming
=> We are members of 1% for the Planet
=> We support conservation charities.
Finding Affordable Organic CBD: offering value for organic CBD
Frequently, organic and affordable do not go hand in hand. Add CBD to that equation and you typically end up with expensive products. Realistically, there are many extra costs that go with making organic products. That said, at NuuMe Organics, profits do not come first. That is why our line of USDA Organic CBD products are 15 to 30% more affordable than direct competitors. We also happen to believe that our products are also better. But don't take our word for it: use promo code giveusatry for a 10% discount on your purchase on nuume.com.