Organic CBD Oil Vs. Non-Organic CBD Oil: Why Organic Matters

Organic CBD Oil Vs. Non-Organic CBD Oil: Why Organic Matters

Considering the large number of new products available in the rapidly rising CBD and hemp market, most find the CBD space confusing. Without a doubt, the “organic” word is one of the primary sources of confusion, particularly regarding CBD oil. So, what does “organic” mean? As you will discover, organic CBD covers the whole span, from the way the hemp was grown to the way to is processed, all the way to the other ingredients used in the making of the product. What is Organic Hemp? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines organic as any product grown or produced without...

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Hemp harvest in full swing at the NuuMe organic hemp farm

Hemp harvest in full swing at the NuuMe organic hemp farm

Harvest started a few days ago on our beautiful organic hemp farm. We are so excited and thankful for the stunning quality of our plants this year.  Harvest season comes with significant stress for any farmer. But it is also a time to remember that we have so much to be thankful for, that the Creator is infinitely generous and the Mother Nature keeps on giving, year after year. In the chaos of 2020, being reminded of this is a genuine privilege.  We harvest our hemp by hand. As always, we don't believe in cutting corners. Nothing beats the magic...

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